Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Spiritual Warfare prayer for Marriages

I stumbled across this prayer the day that my husband left for across the country. He allowed me to pray it over him before I left. I have prayed this prayer multiple timesn desperation. I feel this prayer is so amazing it needs to be shared I do not know where I found this prayer, so if this is your writing please comment with the link. My husband is living in bondage and sin, with a confused adulterer. I pray for both of their hearts to realize that what they are doing is destructive and only causing harm. I pray for the adulterous women to find hope in Jesus. I pray that she would turn away from a married man. Dear Lord save them from themselves. 

ok... here is the prayer

Prayer 5/15/13

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for leading [spouses name] and I to acknowledge our offense and feel our guilt. I thank You that we can seek Your face in our affliction and distress; and that we seek and require You earnestly. (Hosea 5:15) Thank You that the purpose for which You [allowed us to be torn] apart was to [show us our need for You] and return to You so You would heal us and bind up our wounds. I thank You that You are [even] now reviving and restoring us so we may live in your presence forever. (Hosea 6:1-2) Thank You for saving us from our distress when we call out in [times of] trouble. Thank You Father for sending Your Word and for healing our Marriage and rescuing us from destruction. Thank You for Your unfailing love and for Your wonderful deeds. (Psalm 107:19-21) And thank You Lord for your kindness, tolerance, and patience with us – and for the time You give us to turn from our sin. (Romans 2:4) And that we listen to You and will live in security with confident trust and without fear of harm or evil. (Proverbs 1:33)

I rejoice [in You] Lord and give You glory, praise and honor, that [spouses name] and I love each other and will live together in harmony with sympathy, compassion and humility – and that we inherit blessings because we do not return evil for evil or insult for insult, but [we] respond with blessings instead. (1 Peter 3:8) [Thank You that we can] live by [Your] Spirit [that teaches us] not to gratify the desires of our sinful nature. (Galatians 5:16]

I thank you Lord that [spouses name] lives with me in considerate understanding and respect for my role as his wife so his prayers will not be hindered. (1 Peter 3:7) I praise You that everything we have been through has not quenched his love for me [neither has it quenched my love for him] – and neither have floods or rivers washed it away. (Song of Solomon 8:7) [Thank You Father for honoring and answering my prayer of faith] that he does not feel harsh, bitter or resentful toward me because he loves me as his own body and as Christ loves the Church. (Ephesians 5:28} I thank You that our life is blessed with the rewards of fidelity and that [spouses name] rejoices in me as the wife of his youth. (Proverbs 5:17-18) and that he longs to kiss me [with the kisses of his mouth] because my love delights him. (Song of Solomon 1:2) – and that I will always satisfy him; that he is forever captivated by my love. (Proverbs 5:19}

I praise Your holy Name because I belong to my husband and his desire is for me. (Song of Solomon 7:10) [I thank You] that You bless me Lord by surrounding me with favor as with a shield and [that You] give me favor in [spouses name] eyes above every other woman on earth. (Psalm 5:12) I praise You Lord that I am his wife forever by the Marriage vows we made before You in righteousness, justice, unfailing love and compassion. (Hosea 2:19) [I thank You] that You have made us ONE in flesh and spirit – and that You are a Witness to our Marriage Covenant; [a Witness] that I am his companion and wife. I thank You that he will not break faith with me as his partner and the wife of his youth and that You will receive his offerings with pleasure. May he also guard himself and his spirit by not breaking faith with You because You hate divorce and You hate it when a man covers himself with such violence. (Malachi 2:13-16)

Thank You Lord, that [spouses name] never forgets your teachings and that he keeps Your commands in his heart, and that Your Word is [alive and] working in our Marriage [and that] he will not be deceived by the persuasive words of the adulteress who would lead him astray – [neither will he] be seduced by her smooth talk. (Proverbs 7:21)

[I praise You for the] wisdom [that] enters his heart – and [that] Knowledge is pleasant to his soul. I thank You that discretion protects him, and that understanding guards him. (Proverbs 2:10-11) I thank You Lord, and give you all the honor and the glory and the praise that the gates of hell [cannot] prevail against us or our Marriage because we are Your Church. Jesus said the powers of  hell could not conquer us. (Matthew 16:18)

[Heavenly Father, I thank You that] we will inherit a double portion in our Marriage as You repay and restore [the years that] the locusts [have eaten] – that they were sent among us to destroy. (Joel 2:25) And I praise You for giving us Your Words and Wisdom, and that our Marriage will overcome all adversaries because the enemy cannot contradict or resist them. (Luke 21:15) [I praise You] for giving us everlasting joy and a double portion instead of shame – and that instead of disgrace we will rejoice in our inheritance. (Isaiah 61:7)

I praise You Lord, that [spouses name] will once again acknowledge [and confess] You [as his Lord and Savior] and that You won’t let anyone take him out of your hands – even if You take away his prosperity and expose him and put an end to all of his celebrations because he forgot You. I thank You Lord for alluring him back by leading him into the desert and speaking tenderly to him while he is there. I thank You for restoring what was lost and for transforming our valley of trouble into a gateway of hope. I give You all the praise and honor and glory because he will return to me and give himself to me as he once did and he will call me his wife and be happy with me as before. I thank You that he will forget all about [any potential] lovers and that their names will never again be spoken. (Hosea 2:8-17) I thank You Father for blocking his path with thorns and walling him in so that he cannot find his way. If he chases after [another] lover he will not catch her, and if he looks for [another], he will not find her. [Precious Father] I thank You that he [is coming] back to me because he knows his life is better with me. (Hosea 2:6-7)

Thank You Lord that Jesus redeemed me from the curse of the law by being made a curse for me. (Galatians 3:13) Therefore, I refuse the curse of the law in Deuteronomy 28:30 and remind You of the Blood of Jesus and the Word of my testimony is that my husband [spouses name] will lay only with me. (Revelations 12:11) And I thank You that [spouses name] and I are reconciled to You through Jesus by His blood shed on the cross – and that we are reconciled back to each other despite anything we’ve done to each other in the past. We are [forgiven and] presented holy before You without blemish and free from accusation through His death. (Colossians 1:20-22)

I give You [all] praise and honor that no weapon formed against our Marriage has prospered, and that You are [now] proving every voice raised against our reconciliation wrong. This is my heritage as Your child and it is Your vindication for me. (Isaiah 54:17) I praise You Lord, that your grace is sufficient for me as I stand for the restoration of my Marriage – that Your power is made perfect in my weakness and that the power of Christ is in me. (2 Corinthians 12:9) I am strong and courageous, not afraid or discouraged because your power is greater than the power of satan and all who do his work. (2 Chronicles 32:7)

I am so thankful that You are watching to make certain that Your Word is fulfilled and that You are performing it in our Marriage. (Jeremiah 1:12) I praise and thank You Lord for keeping forever the promise You have made concerning me and my home – and for doing as you promised so that Your Name will be great forever.

O Sovereign LORD, YOU are God! Your words are trustworthy and You have promised these good things to me. You have said that You will build a home for me and that it pleases You to bless my Marriage so it will continue before You forever. You have spoken and with Your blessing, my home and Marriage will be established with blessings forever. (II Samuel 7:25-29)

I Bless Your Precious Name Lord. Thank You. In Jesus’ Name. . .


Friday, November 21, 2014

In the Morning When I Rise

It's been 2 weeks since the big blow out. Things have been pretty decent at the home front. His heart is softer, the drinking has slowed way down, and he uses words like "us, we, ours". That's a big deal given the past 5-6 months. A lot of awful things were confirmed during the big blow out, and the conversation was left that I needed to find a place to live. But his actions are not speaking true to what was said. I have been keeping a huge secret from him that was weighing heavy on my shoulders. His mother and grandparents know everything. It was a huge weight, and I felt he needed to know. All of us have been praying for him, and at our perspective churches they are praying too. I think that may have started the said shift. He hasn't said he loves me in several months. If I'm being honest and true that hurts my heart so very much.

What keeps me going is our morning routine. The alarm goes off before sunrise, he gets up and then wakes me up, asking to make his lunch. He always calls me "Hun" (sort for honey) in the morning. I walk to the kitchen and smell the coffee I pre-programmed the night before, as I put his lunch and coffee together, I stumble through humming noises of praise music. I keep smiling, and I pray for his safety. After he is done getting around he joins me in the kitchen, along with our fur babies (they tend to follow his every move). He unlocks the side door, turns on the patio light and turns the alarm off. He takes his work gear and lunch out to the car, comes back in for his coffee cup and a kiss. He always says "have a good day", "drive safe" or a "see you tonight". I'm always praying it will be followed up with "I love you!". I think most would agree that you should say it daily! I'll talk about that more another time.

I head back to our bedroom, but before cuddling back down into the sheets and my head on my soft pillow I pray. Either kneeled down on his side of the bed, my side of the bed, or on top of the bed I pray. I'm always praying through out the day for my husband, but a few weeks ago the Lord made it very clear to me to start in the morning, when I rise. The prayer usually looks something like this:

Dear God, I am honored this morning to have the opportunity to come before you and pray for my husband, and for our marriage. Thank you for using what the devil means for harm, for your glory. I know that someday this testimony will help other people lean on your love. God, thank you for your unconditional love and for showing me how to love my husband unconditionally. Thank you Lord for the day of restoration and salvation. I can't wait to celebrate those days with my dear husband. God, I pray for my husbands mind this morning. That he would eliminate any voice or sound that would be clouding his mind from your word. I pray that while he is working he would hear from you, and he would receive whatever conviction you place on his heart. Continue Lord to reveal to me the wife that I am supposed to be, and reveal to him the ways of a husband he needs to be. I continue to proclaim that this is the year of my husbands salvation! I continue to proclaim that this is the year our marriage is restored to a Christ centered marriage again, even better then before. Thank you Father for placing prayer warriors in my life to keep me lifted when I want to fall or give up. Thank you Jesus....Amen

After praying I turn on the song "Give me Jesus". While it plays I get under the blankets, and soak in where it's nice and warm and toasty. The fur babies climb around me, sometimes I sleep, sometimes I pray some more, and other times I just lay in the quiet and dark room and enjoy.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Break Every Chain

It was just a couple weeks ago, October 31st. I had buried my head in my hands the night before sobbing. I had prayed with my mentor at the marriage retreat about the next steps in my marriage. A lot of information about my husband that I know today, I didn't know that day. Soon I would find that several of my worse nightmares would become reality. Back to the the night before, I was crying and weeping and wondering what in the world I was suppose to do? I couldn't even speak the words but my heart wondered if this was it? Was all the fight not worth it? Were my prayers not being answered? While driving to work, I was listening to praise and worship music... Praising God for answers that I didn't even know yet...

Now let me tell you about the first time physically felt the Holy Spirit touch me. I was singing, and I was praising and suddenly I felt this tingle, almost a small constant feeling of electricity. Then it moved to the tip of my tongue. When I stopped singing, the feeling went away, when I poured the words out of my mouth, the tingling came back. I called my prayer warrior friend, and she confirmed the Holy Spirit touched me. We always talk about little "God hugs" but this was a feeling that I physically couldn't shake.


Friday, November 7, 2014


My head aches, my stomach is nauseous, my eyes are practically swollen shut. I'm continuing to believe Gods word,I'm am continuing to trust him. However, I am faced with having to find a new home. I'm faced with a man that has been living, cheating, and stealing joy from my heart. All influences made by the devil himself. An evil spirit that is so alive and feeding off of all my pain. I'm glad I have prayer warriors on my side raising their hands in praise. Praising God for restoring what is broken.




Saturday, November 1, 2014

ThanksLIVING Day 1

I have a lot to catch up on, however despite the storm, I am still thankful to be living this life with Christ love in me! I am thankful to be living this life with my husband. I am thankful to be living this life as a living testimony! I will continue to praise God during this storm, I know there is a reason and a purpose and I can't wait to be a living example of how great God's love is. For that, I am thankful.


"When the storms of life come, the wicked are whirled away, but the godly have a lasting foundation"